About Me

Hello folks, and welcome to I Blog The 90's. This blog is dedicated to respect of 90's pop culture. Music, movies, TV shows, toys, games, etc. Feel free to comment on any post! If you want to see something posted, send me an email at iblogthe90s@gmail.com with a description and a picture of what you want to be posted. Be sure to scroll down the entire page - there is a ton of stuff posted! Also, the blog will always be updated with more super rad 90's posts. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the nostalgia!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Critic


Way ahead of it's time. I hold the opinion that this show was better than the Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, King of the Hill, you name it...this show was funnier. They only got 30-some episodes in, but they are all golden. They're on DVD too - BUY THEM.

It Stinks!

The Critic on Amazon

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